Dudley is a place where children and young people thrive
The Children and Young People's Alliance represents a new way of working together and in collaboration with children, young people and families.
Dudley Children and Young People's Alliance
strategy and priorities
The Alliance’s work will contribute to the vision of the Health and Wellbeing Board:
‘longer, safer, healthier lives for all’​
Using evidence from the Joint Strategic Assessment, the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Strategy has identified three goals for 2017-22:
Healthy weight
Reducing the effects of poverty
Reducing loneliness and isolation
The Alliance Board members have agreed their commitment to collectively contributing to the achievement of these goals using a whole systems approach.
They are being will be addressed via seven transformational programmes set out within the CYPA Strategy 2017 - 2019 that the Alliance will monitor and review on a regular basis:
Voice of the child/young person
Community resilience
Emotional health and wellbeing
Early help
Employment and training
Disabilities and special needs
Healthy weight
The outcomes framework and delivery plan contained within the strategy set out what the Alliance wants to achieve and details the specific programmes of work.