Dudley Early Help Strategy 2021-24
Helping children, young people and families thrive.
We are delighted to introduce our refreshed Early Help Strategy for Dudley. It is the commitment of our joint partnership to ensure we work in the most effective and co-ordinated way as early as possible when children and families need our support. This will enable us to prevent our children requiring level 4 intervention and supporting families to resolve any issues before they escalate or multiply.
The Early Help Strategy describes how there will be an even stronger emphasis on building family resilience and enabling a more “self-serve” approach which families had told us that they want. We want the children and families we work with to be able to find the services and help they need themselves, without having to request support from another professional.
It also describes how it will have an early years focus. Through the Early Years Transformation Academy and our approach to children’s first 1001 days.
It also emphasises the importance of education in Dudley and for the next 3 years we will also have a clear focus on school readiness for young children starting school, ensuring they get the best start.
We are really excited to launch this strategy and look forward to making a difference and delivering the best possible outcomes for our children and families lives in Dudley.
Our vision
‘Working together to help Children,
Young People and their Families thrive’
To make the vision a reality we will ensure we all provide:
The right approach,
in the right place,
at the right time.
So that children, young people and families thrive
Our pledge
✔ We will make every contact count
✔ We will listen to you and not judge you
✔ We will 'work with you' and not 'do to you'
✔ We will give you one point of contact
✔ Our assessments and plans will be uncomplicated and robust we will take care of your information
✔ We won't 'pass the buck'

Download the Early Help Strategy 2021-24
Audio files for the Early Help Strategy 2021-24
A formal launch and engagement event took place on 21 March 2022. Find out more about the launch.