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Dudley Special Education Needs & Disability Improvement Programme


What are Dudley's key duties?

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Key duties

What are Dudley's key duties?

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Key duties




10:30 - 11:00
Family Safeguarding  - Dudley Council

Dudley is introducing Family Safeguarding which is a strengths-based, whole-family approach to child protection. It brings together all professionals working with a family in one multi-disciplinary team with the goal of keeping more children safely at home with their families.

11:15 - 11:45
Dudley CVS

Supports all sizes and types of voluntary and community groups, charities and social enterprises, however formal or informal, if they benefit the people of Dudley borough.  We coordinate Holiday Activities Fund, Cluster connect, Dudley Young Health Champions, CYPF Network and offer training.

10:30 - 11:00
Violence Reduction Partnership

The Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) use public health approaches to tackle under 25 violence and exploitation. The VRP provide a broad range of support for professionals working with young people including systems change work, professional training, and a variety of engaging workshops for young people.

11:15 - 11:45
Children’s (under 5s) Autism Assessment Service  Black Country Healthcare Foundation Trust

We are the service in Dudley that assess children under the age of 5 for autism. We carry out multidisciplinary autism assessments working with all wider agencies to assess and support the children and their families

10:30 - 11:00
Integrated Early Years’ Service - Dudley Council

Based at the five family hubs, the Integrated Early Years' Service is new in Dudley. We provide support to children, families and early years providers across the borough. We also have a wealth of knowledge and expertise for children with additional needs.

11:15  - 11:45
Dudley Parenting Service - Dudley Council

The Parenting Team organises and co-ordinates a range of parenting programmes, to offer support to families in the Dudley borough.

12:00 - 12:30
Family Hubs & Start for Life - Dudley Council and Family Nurse Partnership

Dudley is introducing Family Safeguarding which is a strengths-based, whole-family approach to child protection. It brings together all professionals working with a family in one multi-disciplinary team with the goal of keeping more children safely at home with their families.

13:30 - 14:00
Phase Trust

Phase Trust supports children, young people and families through the following areas including exploitation, community outreach/detached work, personal development/mentoring (primary, secondary and 16+), harmful sexual behaviour, family intervention and bereavement support. We also offer training to schools and professionals in the above areas.

12:00 - 12:30
Dudley Community Safety - Dudley Council

The Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) use public health approaches to tackle under 25 violence and exploitation. The VRP provide a broad range of support for professionals working with young people including systems change work, professional training, and a variety of engaging workshops for young people.

13:30 - 14:00
Dudley Parent Carer Forum

We represent the voices of parent carers of children and young people with additional needs and disabilities in Dudley aged 0-25.

13:30 - 14:00
Dudley Youth Justice Service

Working together to support children at risk of crime, ASB, exploitation. and working in the boroughs youth clubs to engage children.

14:15 -14:45
Dudley Young Carers (Crossroads Care)

We support Young carers aged 5-18 in Dudley Borough, who care for a member of their family who struggle with a physical or mental disability or have issues with drugs or alcohol. We can provide a bespoke free support service where we can offer

  • 1:1 support

  • small group support

  • Youth clubs

  • school holiday activities such as days out

14:15 - 14:45
Supported Internships 
Dudley College and Halesowen College

Working towards employment.


Interns will study key employability skills and English and maths in college. Alongside this, interns will complete between 1.5 – 3 days per week unpaid work on placement.

15:00 - 15:30
Over the Wall Children's Charity

Over The Wall offer free-of charge and inclusive residential (ages 8-17) and virtual (ages 6-17) activity camps for children with health challenges, as well as for their siblings and the whole family

15:00 - 15:30
Child Friendly Dudley

Creating a Child Friendly Borough – what we can do as a sector

15:45 - 16:15
Black Country Womens' Aid

Providing Children's Independent Sexual Violence Advisor service to support children from the age of 5 who have experienced sexual abuse.


Support can also be offered to their parents/legal guardians. The service offers emotional support to help the survivor move forward from the abuse and support throughout the police investigation.


Black Country Women's Aid also provides specialist Domestic abuse service to young people aged 16- 21.

12:00 - 12:30 
We Love Carers

A charity run by carers for carers. Supporting unpaid carers within Dudley, enabling them to carry on caring by providing a range of services including various groups, one to one support, advocacy, form filling....... We also run groups for disabled children, siblings and young carers covering 0 to post 25.

15:45 - 16:15
InPower Academy

We work with young people and use martial arts teaching and philosophy as a vehicle for positive change. We run a detached youth work service in Dudley called Step Together which engages young people across routes identified as having high anti-social behaviour especially after school.

16:30 - 17:00
The Arts of Change Trus

Award-winning Counselling and Therapy services for children, young people, adults, couples and families and award-winning Child Supported Contact Centre in the heart of Dudley town centre.

15:45 - 16:15
Future Voices Dudley

Future voices are a group of young people from Dudley aged between 14-25 years, who are passionate about raising awareness on preparing for adulthood, health and wellbeing, health conditions that have an impact on young people lives in Dudley.


We are an inclusive group that welcomes new members to join.

16:30 - 17:00
The Dog, Duck & Cat Trust

We are a charity that create interactive educational stories and resources for use by early years settings and primary schools.

16:30 - 17:00
Children’s Health Services
Dudley Group NH
S Foundation Trust

The Trust delivers preconceptual, maternity and children's health services.  The services are varied and include paediatric emergency pathways and acute inpatient care. The Trust delivers a range of surgical care for children. The Trust supports a range of sub-specialities in our children's outpatient department. A blended professional workforce delivers the services.

17:15 - 17:45
Dudley School Nursing Team
Dudley Integrated Health and Care Trust 

The aim of School Nursing is to promote Public Health to children, young people and their families, to support schools and pupil referral units in order to identify and respond to the health needs of their population.  They also work with partners and stakeholders to achieve the best outcome for all children and young people in Dudley.

17:15 - 17:45
Dudley Virtual School 
Dudley Council 

Dudley Virtual School is a team of dedicated professionals who work collaboratively to improve educational outcomes for Dudley's children looked after (CLA) and children previously looked after (PLAC).

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