The first 1001 days are crucial for a child's development
Ensuring Dudley babies’ health and wellbeing in the first 1001 days will help give them the best start in life, and help Dudley communities to have a thriving and healthy future.
The first 1001 days
Every year in Dudley around 8000 people become parents, that’s 10 babies born every day.
The first 1001 days from conception to a child’s 2nd birthday is an incredibly important time. Children develop more rapidly, both physically and emotionally during this time, than at any other point in their life.
It is also an important time for parents. Dudley parents have told us that alongside powerful positive feelings, the first 1001 days also present some of the most challenging moments in their life…. with each new baby comes a whole new set of priorities, dilemmas and challenges.
During this time, a baby’s relationship with their parents and caregivers will shape their future development and outcomes. Supporting parents and carers during this time is an enormous opportunity, for us to make a positive difference to the children in Dudley.
Watch our video about the first 1001 days below.
In the first 1001 days, more than 1 million new connections are formed every second in a baby’s growing brain. In Dudley we can make these connections stronger.
Ensuring Dudley babies’ health and wellbeing in the first 1001 days will help give them the best start in life, and help Dudley communities to have a thriving and healthy future.
What will you do to help children and families thrive in the first 1001 days?
Make your pledge today.
Here are some of the pledges we've already received:
‘Ensuring the health and wellbeing of babies in Dudley during the first 1001 days will help them to get the best start in life. As cabinet member for health and adult social care I pledge to support local families to help them have a thriving and healthy future.’ Councillor Nicolas Barlow
‘Children are at the heart of everything we do, and the first 1001 days of a child’s life is crucial for their development. As cabinet member for children’s services, I pledge to support children, families and the local community, through initiatives like Child Friendly Dudley, to ensure they have a thriving, healthy future.’ Councillor Ruth Buttery
"I pledge that the First 1001 days is a priority for the Public Health and Wellbeing Directorate and I have prioritised it in my directorate business plan. I will support my team to lead , develop and deliver the first 1001 days partnership plan and will be a key sponsor of the Dudley system wide commitment to this priority. " Karen Wright - Director of Public Health
‘As the Pre School and Specialist Nursing Service Manager in Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust; I pledge to ensure that I use every opportunity within my Trust to promote the First 1001 Days and direct Health Visitor resources towards pregnant mothers and the first two years of the child's life." Joy Williams - Pre School Specialist and Specialist Nursing
"I pledge to learn more about the first 1001 days . The video has made me want to understand this more and what I can do in my job role but also as a future grandparent its important to understand how important these first years are and what I can do differently to support my family". Dudley Council Officer